
Aug 2009 27


Awww geez Dwayne, it aint never all gonna fit in there! Awww shucks Sharla, have some faith!

So looks like I need a bigger suitcase. One with wheels… wrrrrrrrrr rrrrrr clunk!

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Aug 2009 11

Three Weeks to Go!

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There once lived a boy — named Michael Adams oddly enough — who dreamed of a land where the trains roam large, free, and frequently. The scenery is massive, the towns are named Isolation, Dogfart, & Jackpot, and the people all speak with funny voices. Every second station plays good country, Mary Lou’s, Chuck’s, and Ed’s wander the street, and entire animals are served for dinner.

And… in less than 3 weeks I’ll be there!!


The plan is purposely very vague. Places on the hit list are:

San Francisco. Touchdown Clear customs Visit SanFran zoo, aquarium. Alcatraz Hire a car. Holy crap everyone drives on the wrong side of the road! Stock up on car snacks, water, anti-venom, etc. Cross the Sierra Nevadas, camp a few nights in the mountains, find some caches. Nevada Visit Reno. Gamble some, vi...
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